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St. John's is exploring a new way of looking at our gardens and grounds through a series of workshops with horticultural therapist, Cheney Creamer.  Through traditional native food planting Cheney will share with us the big ideas of inclusion, reciprocity, reconciliation through land care and connecting spirituality to the land. 

The Green Ministry events are scheduled for:
Sunday May 5th (12:30 to 2:00 pm) Springing to Life
Sunday May 26th (12:30 to 2:00 pm) Planting a Forest Garden
Saturday June 8th (10:30 am until 12:00 pm) Tending a Forest Garden

A light lunch will be served after worship May 5 and 26 for those who would like to stay.  Please consider bringing your whole family, as well as your friends and neighbours to enjoy this afternoon of spiritual nurture, learning and fun.  There will be comfortable chairs for those wishing to observe, and lots of hands-on work to do for those who like to get their hands dirty.

Registration is now open.  Please call or email the church office to register for one or all three of the workshops. We need your name, email, and phone number to add you to the list of attendees. 
We acknowledge the generous funding from the Pacific Mountain Regional Council to establish this exciting new ministry at St. John's.